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Teaching Civil Rights with a global perspective

Good of All's educational initiative to teach the principles of the UDHR through the philosophy of non-violence championed by Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted 13 March 2023. Updated 14 March 2023.

Good of All is an American 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit education organisation.

It exists to promote the most fundamental freedoms enshrined in the United Nations 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights ("UDHR"). Their goal is to advance universal human rights around the world through online public education that is informed by the best legal and academic scholarship.

Good of All has a glittering Advisory Board, including a number of people from the UK. They also have programmes in the UK, and a UK website.

I originally met the founder, Dr Matthew Daniels in 2012. From memory I was suggested to him by a politician, and we have stayed in touch ever since, meeting from time to time on his visits to the UK or via Zoom.

I believe strongly in civic education. My website writings and speeches show how important I regard the rights and freedoms set out in the UDHR. Accordingly I have been delighted to see the progress Dr Daniels has made over the last decade.

Civil Rights: A Global Perspective A Universal Rights Curriculum

Good of All has for several years had an educational initiative to teach the principles of the UDHR through the philosophy of non-violence championed by Dr Martin Luther King Jr. Given the rising levels of strife and violence in our world, the non-violent principles of Dr King offer a road map for young people around the world to make a productive contribution to the cause of justice and peace in the digital age.

Good of All has partnered on this school curriculum with McGraw Hill. Having started off with school districts in the USA, Good of All is now taking the curriculum internationally.

You can learn more about the curriculum at the Good of All website dedicated to the curriculum.

I also recommend reading an article on Medium "My Personal Lessons from the Teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr." by Sean Ryan, President, McGraw Hill School Group.


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